Shipping & Returns


We offer worldwide shipping. Rates depend on the country of destination. All international orders are processed for shipment within 5 business days. Orders are shipped Monday to Friday.

Orders will arrive within 10-14 days from the order confirmation email. When your payment has been processed and the order has been placed, a confirmation email will be sent to your nominated email address.

In case of any delay to processing orders or services, you will be notified by email.  Occasional delays may take 1-2 businesses days longer.  

Same day deliveries are unavailable. 

National (El Salvador)

All national orders are processed for shipment within 5 business days. Orders are shipped Monday to Friday.  

Orders will arrive within 7 business days from the order confirmation email. When your  payment has been processed and the order has been placed, a confirmation email will be  sent to your nominated email address. 

In case of any delay to processing orders or services, you will be notified by email.  Occasional delays may take 1-2 businesses days longer.  

Same day deliveries are unavailable. 

Same Day Deliveries

Unavailable for both international and national deliveries.  

Shipping Regions

El Salvador: $5.00 USD

United States, Mexico, Canada: $28.00 USD

Central America: $28.00 USD

South America & Caribbean: $50.00 USD

Rest of the World: $70.00 USD

Europe:  $48.00 USD

World Wide Shipping Available NOW

Receiving your Order

You will receive an email a day before your delivery to review the delivery details.

Delivery Partner

For international shipping, we use UPS. 

For national shipping, we use Ischia internal providers. 

Shipping Prices

Free Shipping for orders over $250 USD.

El Salvador: $5.00 USD

United States, Mexico, Canada: $28.00 USD

Central America: $28.00 USD

South America & Caribbean: $50.00 USD

Rest of the World: $70.00 USD

Europe:  $48.00 USD

Currency, Duties, & Taxes

All product prices indicated, and payments made are in USD currency. 

The final recommended retail price may vary depending on the delivery country.